antifascist athens

Greek anti-fascism rally: Protesters march in Athens against planned Golden Dawn protest rally

Athens protesters take to the streets after migrant boat sinking | AFP

Protesters take to the streets of Athens

Anti-racism protests in Greece

Police and Protesters Clash During Athens Demonstration Against Deadly Train Crash

Demonstrators arrive at US embassy in Athens to mark annual anti-junta protest | AFP

Drive-by Shooting Deaths at Golden Dawn HQ: Athens offices of Greek nationalist party attacked

Athens protesters take to the streets after migrant boat sinking

Antifascist motorcycle patrol in Athens - Αντιφασιστική μοτοπορεία

Golden Dawn supporters protest outside Athens court

Antonis Ellinas , “Antifascism in Greece: Actors, resources, and tactics”

Athens celebrates global day against fascism and racism

In the Athens Polytechnio, held a rally dedicated to the anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine

Clashes in Athens as striking Greeks protest over deadly train crash

Procès Aube dorée: manifestation devant la cour pénale d'Athènes | AFP Images

Protesters in Greece Clash with Police over Government Inaction on Rail Safety

Petrol bombs and tear gas at Greece train crash rally

Journalist Dimitris Maniatis on the anti-government Demonstration in Athens

Watch again: Greeks march to mark 50th anniversary of Athens student uprising

DIRECTO| Enfrentamientos en Grecia por el juicio al grupo de ultraderecha 'Amanecer Dorado'

Ministry - Antifa @ Piraeus 117 Academy, Athens 01/06/2017

Grèce: manifestation contre le fascisme à Athènes

Pro-migrant protesters in Athens protest after ship carrying migrants sinks near Pylos

Πορεία μαθητών στην Αθήνα